Improving Digital Service Delivery for Citizens and Employees

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Nouha Elmasri 13 October 2023
Improving Digital Service Delivery for Citizens and Employees

In many seen and unseen ways, the world is constantly changing. The pandemic that we lived and are still living through is just the latest in a series of tumultuous global events that began following the end of the Second World War, including the digital revolution. Now, decades later, digital transformations are still taking place in almost every industry at significant pace, with the pandemic often acting as a catalyst for even greater and faster change. While the private sector often leads the charge towards a new age, no industry can afford to be left behind, including the public sector.  

Consumers the world over expect their government agencies to keep up with the technologies, applications and processes that they have become so accustomed to in other settings. Whilst the public sector often lags behind, the pandemic has somewhat turned this on its head. Some agencies are becoming digital out of necessity, with the QR codes that have become so popular with government agencies now being embraced by the private sector too. As a result, all customers and employees now have an expectation of digital service excellence that is far beyond the expectations of just a few years ago. 

In fact, some agencies and industries are now more focused on the speed of the transformation than on the service delivery. If the pandemic and specifically the vaccine rollouts have taught us anything, it is that until the weakest and poorest of us are looked after, we are all still vulnerable. Now is the time to continue the momentum that was started as a result of the pandemic, and to ensure that superior digital services are delivered to everyone. 

Read the full whitepaper to unpack strategies to improve digital service delivery for citizens and employees with a focus on: 

  • The changed perceptions of government 
  • The drivers of digital transformation 
  • How to avoid failures and pitfalls 
  • plus explore a case study of transformation in action at the Cities of Charles Sturt, Marion and Port Adelaide Enfield

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Nouha Elmasri Global Content Strategist, Public Sector Network